
India’s Corruption Sparks Do-It-Yourself Innovation

India's mass demonstrations against corruption are being widely hailed as a successful mobilization of citizenry for a common good. But the movement is far from a unified endeavor....

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PTF Receives Three Grants for $2.5 million

The Partnership for Transparency Fund has received three grants in July 2011 totaling $2.5 million to intensify its efforts to fight corruption and promote accountable and transparent government in developing countries. The Government of Japan, through its Japanese Social Development Fund, has awarded the PTF a grant of $1.9 million…...

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Stimulating Demand for Good Governance

This report examines the impact that citizen demand for good governance (DFGG) can have on development effectiveness. It analyzes World Bank and other donor experience with support for DFGG; constraints to intensifying support for DFGG within the World Bank; and possible ways to enhance the impact of DFGG on development…...

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DFID Review of PTF: Innovative Support to Civil Society in Fighting Corruption

The main Mid-Term Review (MTR) conclusion is its confidence that the CAC programme represents high value for money, impressive innovation, and valuable support to civil society in fighting corruption....

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New Independent Evaluation provides Substantive Insights to the Impact of PTF’s Work Across the Developing World

download the evaluation (1.4MB) “The substantial – often dramatic – benefit that can derive swiftly from PTF’s small grants is a success story worthy of wider telling”, writes John Clark, an expert on civil society and development who was commissioned by the UK’s aid agency. The UK’s Department for International…...

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New Report calls on World Bank to Strengthen Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Work with Civil Society

Download the report (1.4MB) Despite heightened priority to work with civil society under the World Bank’s recent “Governance and Anti-Corruption (GAC)” policies, a new study finds significant shortcomings. A critical weakness, from the perspective of civil society organizations, is the Bank’s reliance on the governments of developing countries to approve…...

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Monitoring Education Delivery in Eastern Uganda

Uganda Ethics Network Outreach (UENO) recently launched a PTF funded project in Manafwa, a large rural district along the Kenyan border in Eastern Uganda. The project aims to target misappropriation of funds, poor procurement practices and overall government service delivery at the district level for ......

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World Bank Contributes $400,000 to PTF

Last month, a contribution of US $400,000 was released to the Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF) for the purpose of funding anticorruption projects globally. The grant agreement was signed by PTF President, Daniel Ritchie and World Bank Acting Vice President and Head of Network Poverty Reduction ......

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PTF at the 2010 International Anti-Corruption Conference

Under the heading of “Restoring Trust: Global Action for Transparency,” more that 1,200 anti-corruption experts converged in Bangkok, Thailand for the International Anti-Corruption Conference in mid-November 2010. PTF held a special workshop, moderated by PTF Chair, Anabel Cruz. The session provided ......

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