
PTF Receives Three Grants for $2.5 million

The Partnership for Transparency Fund has received three grants in July 2011 totaling $2.5 million to intensify its efforts to fight corruption and promote accountable and transparent government in developing countries.

The Government of Japan, through its Japanese Social Development Fund, has awarded the PTF a grant of $1.9 million to support independent civil society monitoring of development projects funded by the World Bank in Bangladesh and Nepal. This will be the first time that World Bank-financed projects will be tracked by civil society organizations using funding from an independent agency, the PTF, rather than through the project budgets.  The PTF will be working with the Manusher Jonno Foundation in Bangladesh and Helvetas Swiss Association for International Cooperation in Nepal to carry out the program during 2011-2014.

The World Bank approved a grant of $400,000 in July through the Development Grant Facility. It is the seventh, and final, grant from the DGF, which has provided more than $2.5 million to the PTF since 2004.

The Overlook International Foundation of California has provided a three year grant of $300,000 to help build the management capability of the PTF as it continues to grow. The funds will focus on strengthening the PTF’s program, financial and records management systems, its communications and fundraising capability.

These new grants come on the heels of an independent evaluation of the PTF by the UK Department for International Development, which indicated that the PTF program “represents high value for money, impressive innovation and valuable support for civil society in fighting corruption…It is impressive in terms of impact, efficiency, sustainability and value for money.”

“These new grants demonstrate the continued confidence of the donor community in the PTF and recognition of the importance of citizen action in fighting corruption,” said Anabel Cruz, Board Chair of the PTF and Executive Director of the Instituto para Communicacion y Desorollo in Uruguay.

The PTF is currently supporting 48 projects in 25 countries with grants totaling $1.5 million.

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