
“Civil Society Organizations Should Independently Monitor Government and Donor Programs” States Ed Elmendorf, Partnership for Transparency Fund, Project Adviser, During UN Study Launch

Seeking to reflect the growing importance of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in international development, and the ways in which they can help implement and monitor governance improvement actions under the United Nations Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda), the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development in partnership with the…...

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The Disease of Corruption: Article in BMC Medical Journal References PTF Work

The disease of corruption: views on how to fight corruption to advance 21st century global health goals. A new article from the journal BMC MEDICINE with articles by experts from the health sector, academia, development assistance and civil society - including a feature by PTF Co-Founder, Frank Vogl ......

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U4 Issue Paper Released on “Doing Accountability Differently: A proposal for the vertical integration of civil society monitoring and advocacy”

Doing Accountability Differently: A proposal for the vertical integration of civil society monitoring and advocacy is a recently released U4 Anti-Corruption Research Centre Issue Paper co-written by Jonathan Fox of American University and Joy Aceron of Government Watch (G-Watch), a long-time PTF partner in the Philippines ......

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New PTF Affiliate Established in India

The Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF), an international non-profit that supports citizen-led action to promote transparency and accountability in developing countries, is pleased to announce the establishment of a new affiliate in South Asia, Partners for Transparency Foundation India (PTF-India) ......

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Literature Review on Citizen Engagement in Health Service Delivery Released

The inclusion of citizen engagement in development programs, including those supporting the health sector, is based on the premise that giving citizens a voice will help ensure that programs are tailored to their needs, will build a greater sense of ownership by the community, and will make service delivery more…...

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IGI-FITCAM Provides Ethics Training to Cameroon’s Oil Processing Corporation (SONARA)

PTF's local partner in Cameroon, the International Governance Institution - Focal Integrity Team Cameroon (IGI-FITCAM) recently conducted a four day intensive training course for 40 newly elected Ambassadors of Ethics at SONARA (Societe Nationale de Raffinage, the National Refining Company) ......

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Report of the ‘Social Audit of Performance of Members of Parliament in Odisha’ Released by YSD

Youth for Social Development (YSD) is a PTF partner with a commitment to improve accountable governance, bring transparency in utilization of public funds and ensure its efficient and equitable utilization of tax payer’s money and also to monitor the performance of the elected representatives. The organization has recently released a 'Social Audit of Performance…...

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Final Report on “Lessons from the CARTA Program in Bangladesh and Nepal” Released

March 17, 2016 - Recent years have witnessed concerns about issues of government effectiveness and accountability, particularly in the delivery ......

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PTF Submits Evidence Demonstrating the Power of Civil Society Fighting Corruption to the UK Parliament

Ahead of the UK Prime Minister’s Anti-Corruption Summit, to be held in London in May, the Parliament's International Development Committee is inquiring into the direction and effectiveness of the Department for International Development's (DFID's) current anti-corruption efforts, the development impacts of UK ......

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