PTF’s Vision: We envisage a world free of corruption in which citizens trust public officials and institutions and hold them accountable and responsive to their communities’ needs.

PTF’s Mission: We support innovative civil society organization-led and related approaches to reduce corruption, increase transparency, strengthen governance, and enhance accountability in low- and middle-income economies and widely shares knowledge gleaned through its work.


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News and Updates

Will the World Bank’s Gender Strategy 2024-2030 Be Vigorously Implemented?

July 8, 2024: PTF’s perspectives on the World Bank’s new Gender Strategy following on its earlier call to ensure anti-corruption plays a key role in the implementation of this landmark World Bank program.

Read the full article here.

Advocating for Deeper Partnerships between Civil Society Organizations and IDA grants to the Poorest Countries

May 13, 2024: PTF’s new report details specific approaches for enhancing the effectiveness of projects funded by the World Bank’s concessional affiliate, the International Development Association (IDA), through deepening engagements with CSOs. The report makes ten recommendations for how the Bank can more closely involve local civil society in its work at the country level, beyond consultations. The publication of this report has been followed by a campaign to call for funding for the expansion of partnerships with local civil society organizations (CSOs) as an integral part of a bigger and better next round of funding for IDA (IDA21: 2025-2028). 

Please find more information on the report, the 2 page summary, and the latest updates on the campaign here.

“The Voice of the Champions” – New Journal Highlights Successes

July 9, 2024: “The Voice of The Champions” – the Journal, published today, provides insights into the remarkable efforts being made by outstanding individuals – the Champions – and their organizations in 18 French-speaking sub-Saharan countries under the auspices of the Organisation de l’Afrique Francophone pour le Renforcement des Systemes de Sante et de Vaccination (OAFRESS). PTF plays advisory roles with 10 PTF Advisors involved as resource persons.

Learn more at the following links: Background on the JournalProject Update OverviewProject Background.

Moldova's President Maia Sandu

Making Progress in Moldova with Critical Anti-Corruption Projects

May 13, 2024: When Maia Sandu won election as President of Moldova at the end of 2020 she wrote on Facebook that she hoped the result would mark “the end of the reign of thieves in Moldova”.

The fight against corruption that President Sandu has been waging is not just a rejection of years of corrupt oligarch power in this tiny country that borders Russia and Ukraine, but a vital requirement for Moldova’s membership in the European Union. PTF’s multi-year project is an important component in Moldova’ struggle against corruption.

Read the full article here.

PTF Moves Ahead with Projects in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Argentina – Latest Project Summaries

PTF’s Board of Directors reviews progress on current projects twice each year. The most recent report covers projects led by PTF Asia and PTF Europe, as well as projects in India, Argentina, and Africa. Please review the latest summary of the report to the PTF Board. Projects pages can also be found after the summary.

Please review the latest summary of the report to the PTF Board here.