Featured Publications


The Role of CSOs to Ensure Integrity in Climate Finance and Action

Partnering with Civil Society for Citizen-Driven Country Engagement, Delivery, and Accountability in IDA- and IBRD-Financed Operations Report

PTF Tools and Approaches Report – 2001 to 2022

Civil Society Monitoring in the Health Sector

PTF Call for a Supranational Initiative for Corruption-Free Delivery of Services to the World’s Most Vulnerable

Guide for Monitoring Public Procurement: A Tool for Civil Society

Compliance Toolkit for Start-ups in India

Engaging Civil Society Organizations to Enhance the Effectiveness of COVID-19 Response

Grassroots Governance Project: Final Report

Guidance Note for EIB Standard on Stakeholder Engagement in EIB Operations

The PEACE Project: Promoting Equitable and Accountable Civil Engagement in Myanmar

International Encyclopedia of Civil Society: Advocacy

Improving Transparency and Effectiveness of Public Procurement in Ukraine through Cooperation with Civil Society

How is Social Accountability received in countries of East Africa where corruption is the norm?

Expanding Civil Society Contributions to the Governance Agendas of Sustainable Development Goals and International Financial Institutions

Social Accountability in Action: Illustrations of PRAN’s work in Nepal (2009-2012)

Project i-Pantawid eFDS Training Materials

Citizens Against Corruption: Report from the Frontline

E-Procurement Monitoring in Ukraine

Citizen Voices Key to Sustainable Healthcare Reform

Citizen Action Platform Program Impact Report

Civil Society & Development: Global Trends, Implications and Recommendations for Stakeholders in the 2030 Agenda

Implementing a Monitoring Program to Help Improve Integrity of Procurement and Delivery of Medicines in the Department of Health

Strengthening Local Mechanisms for Effective Civil Society Organizations’ Participation in Procurement Processes

Participatory Monitoring for Barangay Infrastructure and Health Projects in the Province of Isabela

Monitoring Uses and Abuses of Government Vehicles

Helping Department of Education Improve Procurement and Distribution of Textbooks

The Conditional Cash Transfer Program Watch Project

Monitoring Road Construction in Abra Province, Philippines

Lessons from the CARTA Program in Bangladesh and Nepal

Lessons from the CARTA Program in Bangladesh and Nepal

Citizen Action for Results, Transparency and Accountability (CARTA) Independent Assessment Report

Open Government Partnership (OGP) and Sustainable Development Goal Number 16 (SDG#16): Similarities and Differences

Citizen Engagement and Social Accountability Approaches in Enhancing Integrity of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs

Women’s Involvement in Grassroots Anti Corruption Activities

Engaging Citizens in Health Service Delivery: A Literature Review

Regional Anti-Corruption Action: Supporting the Judiciary in Combating Corruption in the Western Balkans

Monitoring Procurement, Delivery, and Dispatch of Medicines in the Philippines

Curbing Corruption in Forestry Management through the Strengthening of Community Forest User Groups in Nepal

Improving Public Health Service Delivery: Citizen Monitoring in Nepal

Advocating for Conflict of Interest Law in Mongolia

Improving Training and Adherence to an Enhanced Judicial Code of Ethics in the Mongolian Judiciary

Campaigning for Transparency at Local Governments in Mongolia

Strengthening the Public Council to fight Corruption in Mongolia

Empowering Citizens for Participatory Planning in Sri Lanka

Establishing a Rural Call Centre and Using Social Watch Groups to Monitor Public Service Delivery in India

Empowering the Community to Demand Corruption-Free Social Services in Karnataka, India

Establishing a Rural Call Centre and Using Social Watch Groups to Monitor Public Service Delivery in India

Policy Dialogue and Civic Engagement using Right To Information Laws in Rajasthan, India

Combating Corruption and Unethical Behavior in Clinical Drug Trials in Kerala, India

Controlling Corruption to Improve Health Services for the Poor in Odisha State, India

Organizing the Community to Provide Corruption-Free Delivery of Safety Net Entitlements in Karnataka State, India

Measuring Results Reducing Corruption in the the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act in Odisha, India

Empowering Citizens to Demand Corruption-Free Access to Livelihood Entitlements in Karnataka, India

Supporting the Implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy through Monitoring and Advocacy in Moldova

Improving Municipal Governance and Service Delivery Through Transparency in Kotor, Montenegro

Improving the Integrity of School Exams in Moldova

Community Monitoring and Participatory Budgeting to Promote Accountable Governance in 10 Schools in Ghana

Improving Transparency and Accountability in Public Procurement in Cross River State, Nigeria

Strengthening Civil Society and Public Authorities to Promote Transparency and Accountability in Uganda

Improving Governance through Transparency, Participatory Budgeting and Community Monitoring in two Municipalities in Cameroon

Reducing Corruption in Local Revenue Collection through Transparency and Participation in two Communities in Ghana

A Decade of Helping Civil Society Fight Corruption in the Philippines: Results and Lessons

Controlling Corruption in Public Works Safety Nets

Corruption in Food Distribution Systems

Education Issue Brief

Stimulating Demand for Good Governance

Engaging Citizens Against Corruption in Asia: Approaches, Results, and Lessons

Citizens Fighting Corruption: Results and Lessons of an Innovative Pilot Program in India

Evaluation of “Good Governance: Community Mobilization to Combat Corruption” Program

Evaluation of “Citizens Against Corruption” Program

Promoting Transparency and Participation in Extra-Budgetary Fund Collection in Schools in Armenia

“Tackling Corruption in Kenya and Uganda” Seminar Report

Waging War on Corruption: Inside the Movement Fighting the Abuse of Power

Using Media to Fight Corruption

Benchmarking and Curbing Corruption in Local Service Delivery in Brahmapur City, India

Empowering Communities to Demand Accountability of Safety Net Entitlements in Odisha State, India

Empowering Women in Urban Slums to Fight Corruption in Service Delivery in Bangalore, India

Strategies for Empowering Communities to Demand Good Governance and Seek Increased Effectiveness of Public Service Delivery

Independent Assessment of PTF’s Citizens Against Corruption (CAC) Program

Diagnosing Public Sector Corruption & Implementing Anti Corruption Programs: A Framework for Practitioners

CSOs Fighting for Integrity: Increasing the capacity of CSOs to help citizens raise funds, measure and communicate results in a sustainable manner

DFID Review of PTF: Innovative Support to Civil Society in Fighting Corruption

Fighting Corruption and Promoting Transparency in the Public Sector An Independent Evaluation of the Partnership for Transparency Fund

An Evaluation of the Partnership for Transparency Fund (2000 – 2004)