The Voice and Accountability: Community Empowerment for Improved Local Service Delivery in Zambia Project

Partnership for Transparency (PTF) supports innovative civil society organization-led and related approaches to reduce corruption, increase transparency, strengthen governance, and enhance accountability in low- and middle-income economies and widely shares knowledge gleaned through its work.

We envisage a world free of corruption in which citizens trust public officials and institutions and hold them accountable and responsive to their communities’ needs.

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News and Updates

“The Voice of The Champions” – New Journal Highlights Successes

Project Update Overview Project Background PTF Advisor and Board Member Pietronella van den Oever writes: The Journal “La Voix des Champions de l’ OAFRESS” was officially launched on Friday, July 5, 2024. As the title…

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Will The World Bank’s Gender Strategy 2024-2030 Be Vigorously Implemented?

PTF’s Perspectives World Bank Group Gender Strategy 2024-2030: Accelerate Gender Equality to End Poverty on a Livable Planet. July 9, 2024 – After an elaborate and comprehensive process of stakeholder consultations, the World Bank Group…

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Boosting Childhood Vaccination in French-speaking Africa through Champions’ Advocacy

An innovative partnership between PTF and OAFRESS (Organisation de l’Afrique Francophone pour le Renforcement des Systemes de Sante et de Vaccination – the Francophone African Organization Supporting Healthcare and Vaccination Systems).   June 13, 2024:…

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