
New Program Honors PTF Co-Founder Barry Metzger

The Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF), supporting civil society organizations to curb corruption and promote government transparency and accountability, has established the “Barry Metzger Rule of Law Initiative.” Mr. Metzger, who died in December 2012, was a co-founder of PTF and a former General ......

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The Essential Need for Good Governance in Public-Private Partnerships

Many governments do not have all the financial resources required to expand, maintain, and operate their country’s infrastructure. Also in search of more investment efficiency, several countries have adopted public-private partnerships – PPP ......

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Pro-Active Project Planning – Serbian Example

Considerations of three PTF-supported projects in Serbia, all of which impacted sensitive political and judicial developments, highlighted the crucial need for sponsors (donors – in this case PTF) to pursue sound and substantial planning to provide an enhanced assurance of positive outcomes and a greater ability to assist the project-implementing…...

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Champions Can Be Essential to Project Success – Example Cameroon Education Projects

In seeking to enhance governmental transparency and accountability constructive engagement with public officials works much better than denouncing malpractice and confronting public officials, argues the author. Project experiences in Cameroon highlight the roles of champions – a person, or a group of people in official positions - who believe that…...

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PTF at ADB Annual Meeting, New Delhi

PTF Board Director Dante de los Angeles chaired a PTF seminar at the annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank on May 5, 2013 in New Delhi: "How Civil Society Empowerment Improves Governance and Development Results of Public Service Delivery" on May 5, 2013. Lead presenter PTF Director and ......

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New Book – Citizens Against Corruption – Report from the Frontline

Over the last dozen years The Partnership for Transparency Fund has support with money and expert advice more than 200 projects across the developing world to reduce corruption. Now, in a brand new book, Landell-Mills reviews the record: he highlights the civil society organizations that are making a real ......

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Human Rights Are at the Core of Good Governance Projects – An Example from PTF in India

In the State of Orissa in India, the government claims to provide for not only free delivery to women giving birth, but also an incentive payment for choosing institutional delivery instead of having the baby at home. When Paharia, an Orissa resident, was admitted in 2010 to a local health…...

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Barry Metzger – In Memoriam

Barry Metzer, a founding Board Member of the Partnership for Transparency Fund and for a dozen years its beacon and moral compass, died on Saturday, December 22, 2012 of complications from chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer ......

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A Dramatic Year for Anti-Corruption in the Philippines

The Philippines have long been plagued by endemic corruption, including graft, bribery, and extortion.  A lacking and complex regulatory system and low institutional oversight to enforce existing regulations contribute to an environment of widespread corruption.  Insufficient campaign finance laws and lobbying ......

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Frank Vogl, PTF Co-Founder and Board Vice Chair, Publishes New Book Looking Inside the Global Anti-Corruption Movement

Frank Vogl, co-founder of both Transparency International and the Partnership for Transparency Fund has published Waging War on Corruption: Inside the Movement Fighting the Abuse of Power. At PTF we are honored to have the book dedicated to our organization along with Transparency International ......

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