
“The Voice of The Champions” – New Journal Highlights Successes

Project Update Overview Project Background PTF Advisor and Board Member Pietronella van den Oever writes: The Journal “La Voix des Champions de l’ OAFRESS” was officially launched on Friday, July 5, 2024. As the title suggests, through this Journal the OAFRESS Champions tell their story of assiduous work, often under…...

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Will The World Bank’s Gender Strategy 2024-2030 Be Vigorously Implemented?

PTF’s Perspectives World Bank Group Gender Strategy 2024-2030: Accelerate Gender Equality to End Poverty on a Livable Planet. July 9, 2024 – After an elaborate and comprehensive process of stakeholder consultations, the World Bank Group (WBG) has finalized its new Gender Strategy. Like other stakeholders, PTF made suggestions for changes…...

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Boosting Childhood Vaccination in French-speaking Africa through Champions’ Advocacy

An innovative partnership between PTF and OAFRESS (Organisation de l’Afrique Francophone pour le Renforcement des Systemes de Sante et de Vaccination – the Francophone African Organization Supporting Healthcare and Vaccination Systems).   June 13, 2024: The effective delivery of vital healthcare services in many of the world’s poorest countries are…...

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Partnership for Transparency Seeks A New President 

  Partnership for Transparency Seeks A New President  May 30, 2024 PTF, headquartered in Washington, D.C., is seeking a President. Given the range of PTF’s activities and the increasing challenges of countering corruption and supporting civil society organizations across middle-and low-income countries, PTF intends to recruit a full-time, remunerated chief…...

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PTF Makes Progress in Moldova With Critical Anti-Corruption Projects

May 13, 2024:  When Maia Sandu won election as President of Moldova at the end of 2020 she wrote on Facebook that she hoped the result would mark “the end of the reign of thieves in Moldova.” The fight against corruption that President Sandu has been waging is not just…...

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Deploying Civil Society Experience and Skills to Implement Effective Anti-Corruption/Environmental Projects

  PTF Paper Explores How Partnerships with Local CSOs Could Help Advance Integrity on Climate Finance and Action April 24, 2024: The PTF Climate and Environment team has prepared a paper for presentation at the Second Symposium on Supranational Responses to Corruption, which focuses specifically on Integrity in Climate Finance…...

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Advocating for Deeper Partnerships between Civil Society Organizations and IDA grants to the Poorest Countries

PTF Calls on IDA21 To Expand Partnerships with Local CSOs to Do Better at the Country Level The full report, the 10 recommendations, and the 2 page summary can be found here. April 17, 2024: PTF representatives attended the roundtable discussions among CSOs, the International Development Association, and the World…...

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Sustainable Procurement: a Smart Way to Procure Looking at the “Big Picture”

Sabine Engelhard, a Partnership for Transparency (PTF) Advisor who is a member of the PTF team working with IDIS Viitorul on the Increasing the Integrity of Public Procurement in Moldova project, has written the following article. Sustainable Procurement: a Smart Way to Procure Looking at the “Big Picture” By Sabine Engelhard February…...

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PTF’s Comments on the World Bank Group’s Gender Strategy 2024 – 2030: Accelerate Gender Equality for a Sustainable, Resilient, and Inclusive Future

Partnership for Transparency submitted comments on the World Bank Group’s Gender Strategy 2024 – 2030: Accelerate Gender Equality for a Sustainable, Resilient, and Inclusive Future, which are available here....

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