
How Civic Media can help citizens fight corruption

Last week I was honored to be a guest speaker at the Center for Civic Media at the MIT Media Lab in Boston (click to read the live blog from the event). You may be wondering what is civic media. Civic media is defined by this group as “any form…...

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PTF Chief Technical Adviser Vinay Bhargava to Speak at MIT

Corruption, a universal problem, victimizes the poor bottom billion of the global population. These poor are bypassed by trickle-down growth strategies. They suffer chronic poverty. Corruption robs them of services and social safety benefits intended to alleviate their plight. Decades of efforts to reform government’s own accountability systems to control…...

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PTF Hosts South Asia Workshop

From November 29th to December 2nd, PTF hosted a peer learning and knowledge sharing workshop in Jaipur, India. The workshop was focused on engaging citizens in fighting against corruption in Asia. An array of civil society actors from across South Asia and beyond were in attendance. PTF partner civil society…...

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