
Fourth Edition: Monitoring Moldova’s Public Procurement

The February issue of Monitoring Moldova's Public Procurement details the role and impact of integrity pacts, how the salary of construction workers in public works procurement is calculated, challenges of the Mtender system, and other interesting articles....

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Third Edition: Monitoring Moldova’s Public Procurement

The December issue of Monitoring Moldova's Public Procurement details needed improvements in terms of public works procurement in Moldova, challenges with the new functionalities of the MTender system, risks that threaten the integrity of public procurement, and other interesting news....

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Capacity Building: Monitoring Public Procurement in Moldova

During an in-depth training program organized by the Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF) and the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS) "Viitorul,” thirty-five representatives of civil society organizations, investigative journalist organizations, and the private sector developed the knowledge, tools, and skills needed to monitor public procurement. The training program…...

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The Enablers: How the West Supports Kleptocrats and Corruption

The relationship between promoting transparency and the survival of democracy is a crucial topic today, with the rise in authoritarian leaders who are either protected by “enablers” or rose to power due to corruption scandals. This is the primary topic of a newly released book by PTF Co-founder and Board…...

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Statement by PTF Chairman on International Anti-Corruption Day

A statement by PTF Chairman Frank Vogl, on International Anti-Corruption Day...

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Reflecting on COP26 in the Pacific—A Local Approach in the Philippines

Reflecting the existential environmental and climate change concerns, a modest contribution is underway in the Philippines in the form of the Climate Change and Environmental Governance Project in Iriga City. The project, which began in July 2021, recognizes that much of the action against climate change will have to take…...

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Launch of Procurement Monitoring Training Program in Moldova

As part of the project “Increasing the Integrity of Public Procurement in Moldova,” designed to enhance the capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) and investigative journalists in Moldova to monitor public procurement processes, the Partnership for Transparency (PTF), in partnership with IDIS “Viitorul,” has launched a training program in webinar…...

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Health Workers in Uganda Trained to Monitor COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

Four health workers, two from Kasangati Health Centre IV and two from Kira Health Centre IV have been trained on transparency, accountability, monitoring, and reporting of COVID-19 vaccine distribution campaigns....

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Implementation Begins in Uganda Vaccine Monitoring Project

As part of ongoing fight against COVID-19, the Anti Corruption Coalition Uganda (ACCU), in cooperation with the Partnership for Transparency (PTF), has embarked on a project to increase transparency and accountability in COVID-19 vaccination campaigns, while promoting equitable distribution of doses and addressing sources of vaccine hesitancy in target communities....

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Second Edition: Monitoring Moldova’s Public Procurement

The September issue of Monitoring Moldova's Public Procurement details the changes resulting from the new regulation on low-value public procurement brings, which companies win the largest public procurement contracts, how to join a training program on public procurement monitoring, and other news related to public procurement in the Republic of…...

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