Assisting IFIs in Incorporating Citizen Engagement

Guidance Note for EIB Standard on Stakeholder Engagement in EIB Operations

Washington, DC-based Partnership for Transparency (PTF) launched its 2023 to 2026 strategy to strengthen support for civil society organizations as they lead the fight to counter corruption in their countries. The new strategy defines PTF’s mission to support innovative civil society organization-led and related approaches to reduce corruption, increase transparency,…...

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The PEACE Project: Promoting Equitable and Accountable Civil Engagement in Myanmar

This report reviews social accountability work of 19 CSOs working in many VDCs (Village Development Committees) in 25 very different Municipalities and Districts of Myanmar, using 15 different kinds of social accountability mechanisms in three themes. The report is intended to stimulate thought about how social accountability works in practice…...

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Expanding Civil Society Contributions to the Governance Agendas of Sustainable Development Goals and International Financial Institutions

Expanding Civil Society Contributions to the Governance Agendas of Sustainable Development Goals and International Financial Institutions is a resource to understand the potential contribution of civil society and provide recommendations for how it can be realized. The report examines the various roles CSOs play in improving government transparency, accountability and…...

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Social Accountability in Action: Illustrations of PRAN’s work in Nepal (2009-2012)

This report reviews social accountability work of 19 CSOs working in many VDCs (Village Development Committees) in 25 very different Municipalities and Districts of Nepal, using 15 different kinds of social accountability mechanisms in three themes. The report is intended to stimulate thought about how social accountability works in practice…...

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Civil Society Roles in Engaging Citizens for Better Results in the World Bank Funded Projects

On October 11, the Partnership for Transparency sponsored a panel on civil society roles in engaging citizens World Bank projects at the World Bank Civil Society Policy Forum. The event brought together speakers from the World Bank Citizen Engagement Secretariat, the World ......

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World Bank Anti-Corruption Programs; Discussion of Lessons Learned and Future Strategy

On July 5, the 1818 Society hosted a discussion on the World Bank’s anti-corruption policies, lessons learned since the 1996 “Cancer of Corruption” speech, and programmatic plans going forward. The event featured Joel Turkewitz, Lead Public Sector Specialist at the World Bank, and was chaired by Richard Stern ......

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Promoting Inclusive and Accountable Public Services in Asia and the Pacific

At the Asian Development Bank's 50th Annual Meetings, Partnership for Transparency and World Vision hosted Promoting Inclusive Accountable Public Services in Asia and the Pacific ......

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ADB Publishes “Governance Brief” on Engaging Citizens to Promote Good Governance by Vinay Bhargava

There is a growing movement for governments to call for greater citizen participation in the design and implementation of public policies and programs. This brief explores these trends, outlines the benefits , and provides recommendations for successful citizen engagement programming ......

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PTF Urges Increased ADB Support for Citizen-led Programs to Improve Governance

In a presentation to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on July 10, 2014, Vinay Bhargava called for increased support for citizen-led programs. He specifically drew from examples of PTF supported projects where everyday citizens successfully demanded basic health benefits in India, monitored medicine supply in the Philippines, and protected forest…...

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Stimulating Demand for Good Governance

This study focuses on the World Bank’s recent “Governance and Anti-Corruption” (GAC) policies. The report stresses that the Bank’s goal to significantly scale-up its work in the anti-corruption area with civil society organizations (CSOs) has been hampered by: its approaches that first seek host government executive branch consent; poor publicity…...

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