October 27, 2024: The U.S. Department of State honors Dintie Sule Tayiru as a 2024 Global Anti-Racism Champion.
PTF has had a 16 year partnership with SAVE Ghana, the civil society organization headed by Mr. Tayiru. PTF and PTF Europe have been proud supporters of the successful projects that they have partnered with SAVE Ghana.
The State Department said: “Mr. Tayiru is being honored for advancing the human rights of marginalized groups and promoting inclusive governance and equity for Fulbe communities.”
Sule commended the US Department of State for acknowledging SAVE-Ghana, a CSO operating in Tumu, a remote community in the extreme North of Ghana, by saying: “These rewards are given to organizations in Accra, Dakar, or Lagos, but usually international organizations never reach remote communities like Tumu, where communities are addressing the most basic problems of societal integration.”
Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said at the award ceremony in Washington DC on October 21, 2024, “As executive director of SAVE-Ghana, Dintie Sule Tayiru promotes the inclusion of the Fulbe people, a marginalized ethnic group in Ghana. Because of this remarkable work, many Fulbe now have access to basic services like clean water; they’ve been able to register to vote for the very first time. With greater representation, they can more effectively advocate for greater access to public services.”
The State Department noted: “Mr. Tayiru has worked tirelessly as Executive Director of SAVE-Ghana… His work with local and regional actors has led to significant reforms, including participatory access to local governance structures, lower cattle tax rates and mediation efforts between Fulbe and non-Fulbe communities. He is dedicated to continuing his work to address structural policy issues that prevent marginalized peoples from enjoying basic human rights and accessing essential services. He holds a Master of Philosophy in Social Policy and Service Management. Mr. Tayiru is being honored for advancing the human rights of marginalized groups and promoting inclusive governance and equity for Fulbe communities.”