Voice and Accountability: Community Empowerment for Improved Local Service Delivery in Zambia

Voice and Accountability: Community Empowerment for Improved Local Service Delivery in Zambia

Voice and Accountability: Community Empowerment for Improved Local
Service Delivery in Zambia


Voice and Accountability: Community Empowerment for Improved Local Service Delivery in Zambia is a four-year, $2.75 million project, targeting approximately 86,000 citizens, for accountable education services in 45 primary and secondary schools in nine districts in the Western and Eastern provinces. Funded by the Japan Social Development Fund and administered by the World Bank, the Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR) in Zambia will implement project activities in collaboration with PTF.

The project will empower citizens to use their voices to communicate with local authorities by building community awareness and capacity to apply social accountability tools in education service delivery and increasing community participation in a dialogue with school management and local authorities. This work will also raise awareness among government stakeholders about the benefits from engaging communities in monitoring the quality of education service delivery.

Project Objectives

The overall project development objective of strengthening community awareness and participation with school management and local authorities for accountable primary and secondary education services will have three components:

Component 1: Increasing Community Awareness of the Delivery of Education Services

Component 2: Enhancing Community Engagement and Participation in the Delivery of Education Services

Component 3: Project Management and Administration, Monitoring and Evaluation, and Knowledge Dissemination

Project Activities

The three components will be filled through the following activities:

1. Development of training materials and social accountability tools to be shared with project beneficiaries to teach them the principles of social accountability and promote transparency and accountability among duty bearers.

2. Capacity development for community members through the formation of PTAs and ward development committees.

3. Awareness building for school management and local authorities through training activities and meetings.

4. Strengthening the capacity of communities to monitor local education services, including safe school plan implementation, school construction and renovation, school budgets and effective resource use, textbook delivery, and teachers and pupil absenteeism.

5. Effective community engagement with school management and local authorities through consultations with communities, primary and secondary school management, local authorities, and other stakeholders.

6. Exchanges in community knowledge and experience in social accountability with community reporting and awards, peer-to-peer learning, and capacity building of local CSOs.

Project Team

Tjaarda Storm van Leeuwen

Project Manager, PTF

Robert Liebenthal

Project Adviser and PTF Africa Subcommittee Liaison, PTF

Eluned Schweitzer

Education and M&E Expert, PTF

Frank McNerney

Project Adviser, PTF

Richard Holloway

Social Accountability Expert, PTF

Rachel Ansley

Project Consultant, PTF

Mubyana Kakenenw

Project Manager, CSPR

Christabel Ngoma

Finance and Operations Director, CSPR

Edward Musosa

Monitoring and Evaluation Manager, CSPR

Enson Mwale

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, CSPR

Mwila Musona

Communications and Advocacy Director, CSPR

Patrick Malekani

Procurement Officer, CSPR

About Our Partner

CSPR is a Zambian civil society network that has been building the voice for citizens in the fight against poverty since 2000.

Additional Information

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