Increasing the Integrity of Public
Procurement in Moldova
Project Summary
Citizen-driven transparency and accountability in public procurement is the focus of PTF’s engagement in the Republic of Moldova. Since September 2020, in partnership with the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS) “Viitorul”, we have supported CSOs to monitor public procurement. These monitoring activities have identified irregularities which have been reported to the relevant authorities, thus contributing to the strengthening of the legal and regulatory framework. Excellent results have been achieved from our work in training CSOs in how to identify, document, and report procurement abuses and inefficiencies. The formation of a support network through which CSOs can join forces and learn from peers, as well as provision of technical and financial support to implement monitoring activities, has strengthened the capacity and success of participating CSOs. The government of the Republic of Moldova has declared its commitment to reducing corruption and recognizes the valuable role played by civil society in continuing to promote transparency and fairness of its public procurement.
Theory of Change
If civil society and investigative journalists…
- are trained and supported to meaningfully monitor procurement processes (Capacity) and
- succeed in monitoring procurement procedures and documenting irregularities (Monitoring) and
- extract lessons and share recommendations in a cooperative and institutionalized way with stakeholders (Policy Dialogue)
…then they contribute to a strong ecosystem of CSO Monitoring, which will…
- hold stakeholders accountable, inducing their integrity and
- promote continuous improvements of the public procurement system (laws, regulations, processes)
Timeline and Achievements
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Phase 1. Inception (September 2020-May 2021):
- To understand the situation of public procurement in Moldova including opportunities for, and the capacity and willingness of civil society to conduct meaningful monitoring, the team consulted stakeholders in person and through an online survey.
- Outputs included a baseline study of the legal and regulatory environment and a stakeholder analysis.
Phase 2. Training (May 2021-December 2021)
- To strengthen the capacity of CSOs and to support their procurement monitoring activities, guiding material was developed and delivered to capable and willing candidates selected through a competitive application process.
- Outputs included the training curriculum designed and delivered to 34 CSOs and investigative journalist organizations; and a Monitoring Guide, providing guidance for CSOs to monitor procurement processes at different levels of government.
- Impact:
- Increased capacity: participants self-assessed an overwhelming increase in their knowledge of public procurement across modules and topics.
- Continued engagement: 7 participants subsequently applied for the grants program, and 15 became members of the Coalition of Monitors.
Phase 3. Monitoring (January 2022-June 2025)
- In this phase, procurement procedures and practices are appropriately monitored by Moldovan CSOs and journalists making use of the e-procurement system and other sources of information.
- Digital Platform: a one-stop-shop website providing resources for anyone interested in monitoring public procurement in Moldova is developed, launched (June 2024), and maintained until at least the end of the project. More information on the Monitoring Coalition (in Romanian).
- Subgrants Program: CSOs and investigative journalists received funding and mentoring in two cohorts to monitor procurement processes. A total of USD300,000 was disbursed on a competitive basis in 13 grants of up to USD25,000 each. The grantees receive mentoring and technical support including peer-learning exchanges between April 2022 and September 2024. Findings of their monitoring activities are brought to the attention of authorities and form the basis for recommendations to improve the national system of public procurement.
- Coalition of Monitors: 28 CSOs and investigative journalists from the three regions of the country have formed the Coalition of Monitors. IDIS is functioning as the secretariat, convening it on a quarterly basis to share experiences and extract lessons learned to develop policy recommendations that will improve the national procurement system.
- Impact:
- Increased oversight: CSOs monitored procurement procedures for 71 contracting authorities (CAs) with a total estimated value of 93.3 million USD.
- Increased participation: 6 grantees successfully requested by CAs to become non-voting members of the working group of the tender they were monitoring.
- Increased transparency: 5 interventions by 2 grantees led to (1) the publication of previously undisclosed documents of procedures they were monitoring; (2) 2 CAs providing additional information.
- Increased awareness: 206 publications in a variety of formats and channels reached an audience of thousands of Moldovan and international individuals over four years.
- Improved procurement: 86 recommendations were submitted by grantees to CAs and other authorities (MoF, National Anticorruption Center (NACS), National Integrity Authority). Follow up is ongoing. So far, 63 have been rejected or ignored and 1 grantee is pursuing a case in court. Positive changes of behavior attributed to the work of grantees have been observed. This includes the Ministry of Education and Cahul Municipality improving their transparency relating to procurement processes (i.e., publication of information), and the Ministry of Finance agreeing to provide training to CAs on the implementation of the procurement law.
- First systemic improvements emerge: 4 monitored authorities partially changed their behavior (first round); 2 monitored authorities corrected their behavior following recommendations (second round).
Phase 4. Policy Dialogue (May 2023-June 2025)
- This aims to ensure that findings and recommendations resulting from credible CSOs monitoring are taken seriously and are acted upon by contracting entities, contractors, government, and law enforcement.
- National Platform on Public Procurement (NPPP): a multistakeholder forum was set up to engage relevant and influential actors in regular conversations on core issues pertaining to public procurement in Moldova, including the Ministry of Finance (MoF), other government entities, CSOs, and private sector representatives. The NPPP formulates recommendations, in many cases based on findings from monitoring, and shares them with MoF and other entities to improve public procurement in Moldova. More information on the NPPP (in Romanian).
- Publicity & Reporting: the team is reaching out to partners and funders to identify support for continued efforts in Moldova around the availability of technical tools or sector-based approaches, but also to identify opportunities to bolster progress through similar projects in other countries.
- Impact:
- Creation of an inclusive and committed multi-stakeholder dialogue: 18 institutions and organizations from all sectors joined the NPPP. Strong participation, productive discussions, and adoption of reports containing agreed recommendations for submission to and consideration by relevant authorities are convincing signs of the caliber of this achievement.
- Informing to inform. Public procurement monitor training.
- By competitively awarding grants to civil society organizations, we give them the resources and training they need to become monitors of procurement processes at all levels of government on behalf of the public. The benefit is two-fold: not only do monitors discover opportunities for improvement in the procurement system, and informed parties are also the bedrock of any discussion.
- From civil actors to civil society. The Public Procurement Monitoring Coalition.
- We go beyond equipping members of civil society with the knowledge and resources to engage their government: we facilitate discussions between them so they can share and learn from each other’s expertise.
- Turning discussion into change. The National Platform for Public Procurement (NPPP).
- After members of civil society share their expertise and experiences, it’s time to engage the government. By creating a platform where the public sector and the “third” sector meet to dialogue over procurement solutions, PTF facilitates a more transparent, more engaged Moldova. Despite existing for less than a year, the NPPP has already caused positive changes in the law.
- Transparency at the click of a button. The Digital Platform.
- We believe that every Moldovan who wants to participate in the building of a more transparent and fair society should be able to. That’s why PTF and its Moldovan partners developed an online platform filled with resources to inform and educate help current and aspiring civil society procurement monitors.
Want to strengthen the voice of civil society in your country? We can help.
Project Flyer
“Monitoring Moldova’s Public Procurement” Newsletters – a series of quarterly newsletters on monitoring public procurement in Moldova.
Digital Platform ( – a one-stop-shop providing resources for anyone interested in monitoring public procurement in Moldova
Blog Entries on Moldova
Increasing the Integrity of Public Procurement in Moldova: Call for Proposals to Select External Evaluators – Announcement of Results
Our Partner
Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS) “Viitorul” is an independent think tank, established in 1993, as a research and advocacy think tank, incorporated under Moldovan laws as a non-profit NGO.
Project Team
Project Director, PTF
Karin Millett
Senior Adviser, PTF
Sabine Engelhard
Procurement Expert, PTF
Lars Jeurling
Senior Advisor, PTF
Tjaarda Storm van Leeuwen
Senior Advisor, PTF
Johannes Tonn
Project Adviser, PTF
Carolina Ungureanu
Project Manager, IDIS
Diana Enachi
Project Coordinator and Public Procurement Expert, IDIS
Mihai Turcan
Project Associate, IDIS
Aliona Lazarev
Accountant, IDIS
Maria Procopciuc
Communications Officer, IDIS
Gianmarco Frezza
Junior Project Consultant, PTF