Local Civil Society Partners

We reach communities by partnering with local civil society organizations (CSOs) in piloting and growing projects that advance transparency, public accountability, good governance and rule of law. We provide our partners access to the resources they need—technical expertise, program tools, and project-specific grants—to catalyze successful citizen-led change in communities suffering from corruption and the abuse of power. In their own countries, our CSO partners employ a wide range of tools, exploring the effectiveness of different approaches, tailoring their interventions to the situations they encounter and sharing their learning as they gain experience.

Burgundy = Countries where PTF currently has anti-corruption projects.
Gold = Countries where PTF worked previously.


Daniel Ritchie – PTF Co-Founder and former President:

“My single greatest satisfaction working has been the opportunity to work with a community of people dedicated to making the world more just and equitable, often at great risk. With PTF, I have had the good fortune of visiting civil society organizations that we have supported over the years, from Timor Leste to Bangladesh, Uganda, Argentina and others. I have always come away with the most profound admiration and respect.”

Funding Partners

Funding partners are foundations, international financial institutions, and international NGOs that work closely with us to support and co-create new initiatives.

Strategic Partners

Our strategic partners work with us to achieve greater impact. Partners are likeminded international and national NGOs working in areas of good governance and development.

Pierre Landell-Mills – PTF Co-Founder and former President. From his book, Citizens Against Corruption – Report From The Front Line:

“Our dream is a world intolerant of corruption. This vision is within our grasp. We, the citizens, need simply to say “no” to corruption, to refuse to pay a bribe and never ask for one. And we should loudly condemn those who do. Collectively we must watch those in authority and speak up when we see officials take money to which they have no right in the same way we would unthinkingly leap to stop a thief caught red-handed. In this book I have given example after example where people have done just that. And acts of corruption have been stopped, public money saved, damaged lives made better. These actions must now be multiplied, not a hundred, or a thousand times, but many millions of times across the globe. In short, the answer to corruption lies in our hands and ours alone—indeed collectively in all our hands. Now we must recognize this and act accordingly. We must amplify citizens’ voice to the point where corrupt officials will have nowhere to hide. Yet I am not naïve. We still have a very long way to go. But first we must believe we can do it.”