
New Frontiers in Citizen Engagement in World Bank Projects

On May 19th, the Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF) participated in a panel discussion on “New Frontiers in Citizen Engagement in World Bank Projects” at the annual GPSA Global Partners Forum, hosted by the World Bank. PTF Project Advisors Fred Temple and Vinay Bhargava joined Shahin Kauser, Technical Officer at…...

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PTF Chief Technical Adviser Vinay Bhargava Presents Preliminary Findings of “Civil Society & Development: Global Trends”

Civil society’s place in development has changed significantly over the last 15 years. PTF has analyzed several global trends concerning these changes and their implications for various stakeholders in a forthcoming publication, Civil Society & Development: Global Trends. On April 13, 2016, we held an event at the OpenGov Hub…...

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Using Citizen Engagement and Social Accountability Approaches in Mitigating Fraud, Errors and Corruption in Conditional Cash Transfer Programs

On February 9, the Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF), the Global Partnership for Social Accountability, and the Social Protection and Labor Global Practice at the World Bank held a discussion on "Using Citizen Engagement and Social Accountability Approaches in Mitigating Fraud, Errors and Corruption in Conditional Cash Transfer Programs," with…...

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Over the last 15 years, the Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF) has been at the forefront of innovation to improve governance, increase transparency, promote the rule of law and reduce corruption. In our goal to support developing country CSOs fighting for good governance, we have recognized the enormous ......

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Promoting Accountability Through Independent Third Party Monitoring: Results and Lessons from South Asia

2015 World Bank Spring Meetings: Civil Society Policy Forum  Friday, April 17, 2015 2:00p – 3:30p World Bank – I Building 1850 I St NW Room: I 2 – 210 Washington, DC 20431 Donors are increasingly recognizing the benefits of citizen engagement, social accountability and independent beneficiary monitoring as a…...

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Effective People-Powered Accountability: Lessons from PTF Experience

On October 9th, PTF’s Chief Technical Officer, Dr. Vinay Bhargava, participated in a panel sponsored by CIVICUS focused on harnessing information and Communications Technology (ICT) to monitor and shape development progress through people-powered accountability ......

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PTF Shares Experience on Constructive Engagement between Governments and CSOs in East Asia

On July 14th, PTF's Chief Technical Officer, Dr. Vinay Bhargava, moderated an Roundtable Discussion hosted by the Government of the Philippines, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the World Bank on “Constructive Engagement Processes between Governments and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) ......

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PTF Urges Increased ADB Support for Citizen-led Programs to Improve Governance

In a presentation to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on July 10, 2014, Vinay Bhargava called for increased support for citizen-led programs. He specifically drew from examples of PTF supported projects where everyday citizens successfully demanded basic health benefits in India, monitored medicine supply in the Philippines, and protected forest…...

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Pierre-Landell Mills to discuss Citizens Against Corruption at OpenGovHub BBL – TOMORROW 6/12

Join us tomorrow at the OpenGov Hub for a special Brown-Bag Lunch (BBL) session with Pierre Landell-Mills, co-founder and former president of PTF, who will present his new book Citizens Against Corruption – Report from the Frontline. According to Landell-Mills, “this book challenges the notion that, at best, civil society…...

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PTF at ADB Annual Meeting, New Delhi

PTF Board Director Dante de los Angeles chaired a PTF seminar at the annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank on May 5, 2013 in New Delhi: "How Civil Society Empowerment Improves Governance and Development Results of Public Service Delivery" on May 5, 2013. Lead presenter PTF Director and ......

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