
PTF Launches COVID-19 Vaccine Deployment Monitoring Program

In partnership with Poder Ciudadano, PTF has launched the newest phase of a monitoring project designed to ensure transparency in the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines in Argentina. This project, entitled Recovery with Integrity: Promoting Integrity in the Purchase and Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines, is the first of what is expected…...

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Making Progress on SDG16 Good Governance Targets During and Beyond the Pandemic: Report from the Frontlines in Africa and Asia

As part of the International Anti-Corruption Day Conference on December 1, 2020, the Partnership for Transparency (PTF) hosted a panel discussion on lessons learned from COVID-19 monitoring projects, and the important role of civil society in widespread relief efforts....

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SEXTORTION: A Crucial Global Humanitarian-Corruption Challenge

On July 1, 2020, the Partnership for Transparency (PTF) and the United Nations Association of the National Capital Area (UNA-NCA) hosted experts from Asia, Africa, Europe and the United States in a 90-minute conversation on one of the worst forms of corruption. Nancy Hendry of the International Association of Women…...

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The IMF, Public Finance, Corruption, and Civil Society

Vitor Gaspar, Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Fiscal Affairs Department, presented the IMF’s Fiscal Monitor report on corruption at the latest PTF Anti Corruption Forum event. The event, co-sponsored by the Center for Private International Enterprise (CIPE), attracted a large audience from civil society, academia, business and politics....

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Myths and Realities of CSOs Promoting Transparent and Accountable Government Institutions

On May 3, PTF's Chief Technical Adviser, Vinay Bhargava, made a presentation at the 2019 Asian Development Bank Annual Meeting Civil Society Program on Myths and Realities of CSOs Promoting Transparent and Accountable Government Institutions....

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The Critical Challenges of Human Trafficking and Corruption

On September 20, 2018, UNA-NCA's International Law Committee and The Partnership for Transparency Fund presented The Critical Challenges of Human Trafficking and Corruption before an overflow crowd at the United Nations Foundation....

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Can We Make Anti-Corruption Sustainable?

The Center for International Private Enterprise and Partnership for Transparency jointly hosted a public forum on December 8, 2017 in Washington DC on “Meeting the Challenge of Sustainable Anti-Corruption Reform.” The keynote speaker, Dr. Delia Ferreira Rubio from Argentina, made her first public speech in the United States since her election as…...

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i-PANTAWID Project Workshop Underscores Salience of Social Accountability in 4Ps

Project i-Pantawid partners and stakeholders shared and discussed case stories of how citizens and government engaged each other that resulted in improved health and education service delivery, reduced benefit gaps, empowered Parent Leaders, and more responsive government.  The project final workshop highlighted the importance and urgency of Social Accountability in…...

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World Bank Investigation & Prevention: Global Systemic Impact

Featuring Pascale Hélène Dubois, Vice President, Integrity, World Bank Group Kathrin Frauscher, Deputy and Program Director, Open Contracting Partnership Hasan Tuluy, Board Director, Partnership for Transparency and former Vice President, World Bank Moderator Charles Kenny, Director of Technology and Development and Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development Intruduction Frank Vogl,…...

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Civil Society Roles in Engaging Citizens for Better Results in the World Bank Funded Projects

On October 11, the Partnership for Transparency sponsored a panel on civil society roles in engaging citizens World Bank projects at the World Bank Civil Society Policy Forum. The event brought together speakers from the World Bank Citizen Engagement Secretariat, the World ......

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