
ADB Publishes “Governance Brief” on Engaging Citizens to Promote Good Governance by Vinay Bhargava

There is a growing movement for governments to call for greater citizen participation in the design and implementation of public policies and programs. This brief explores these trends, outlines the benefits , and provides recommendations for successful citizen engagement programming ......

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Aloysius Uche Ordu on the 2015 African Development Bank Annual Meetings

I had the great pleasure of representing the Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF) at the African Development Bank’s (AfDB’s) Annual meetings on from May 25 - 30, 2015 in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire. The following is a brief reflection on the week of intense activities to illustrate some important milestones ......

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5 Things You Should Know About Governance as a Proposed Sustainable Development Goal

On May 27 I had the pleasure of serving as a panelist at an event organized by the Governance Thematic Group of 1818 Society of the World Bank Group (WBG) Alumni. The panel discussed the proposed Sustainable Development Goal Number 16 on Governance and the implications for the World Bank…...

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National Workshop on the CARTA Program Concludes in Bangladesh

A workshop on “Improving Development Outcomes through Citizen Engagement,’ to review the lessons learned through the Citizen Action for Results, Transparency and Accountability (CARTA) Program, concluded today at the Lakeshore Hotel in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Hosted by the Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF) and the ......

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New Toolkit on “Integrating Gender throughout a Project’s Life Cycle”

Through a small grant from the USAID/Food for Peace-funded Technical and Operational Performance Support (TOPS) Program, Land O’Lakes’ International Development collaborated with Cultural Practice, Development and Training Services, Inc. (dTS), Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF), Project ......

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Student Anti-Corruption Training by NGOs in Cameroon: Successful Examples

Recently, Shilpa Banerji submitted an entry to the World Bank's Governance for Development Blog on “How students in Cameroon are fighting corruption in schools”. It describes how, with the help of about US$15,000 grant from the Governance Partnership Facility, the ZENU Network helped train high school students on how to…...

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Constructive Engagement Process between Governments and CSOs: Are We Getting Results?

I was asked by the ADB to facilitate a round-table discussion on the topic  “Constructive Engagement Process between Governments and CSOs: Are We Getting Results?—Experiences and Lessons from Asia”. The event, held in July 2014 and sponsored by the Government of the Philippines, the ADB, and the World ......

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Women’s Involvement in Grassroots Anti-Corruption Interventions

Corruption affects everyone, but women in developing countries often suffer the most.   All too often, women experience extortion and corruption at the hands of low-level public officials when it comes to the provision of public services. In many societies women do not enjoy the same rights and privileges as men,…...

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The Pains and Rewards of Constructive Engagement: Lessons Learned from a PTF-Supported Project in Cameroon

It is impossible not to come away with a big smile after meeting Asah Azefor and Beltus Atunsiri. Asah is the leader and Beltus is his deputy of a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in the south-west Region of Cameroon, called ASYOUSED (Assembly of Youths for a Sustainable Environment and Development). These…...

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Citizen-led development is yielding results

Sir, William Easterly (“Western vanities that do little to help the world’s poor”, January 25) ignores the reductions in poverty that targeted official aid, foundation grants and individual philanthropy are producing. In many countries, despite Mr Easterly’s hopes, economic growth is not lifting the very poor out ......

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