
Maximizing Citizen Engagement to Beat COVID

As governments and the international aid community scramble to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, direct citizen engagement in public health programs has already had a demonstrable positive impact on the success of these programs. While governments in both middle-income and low-income developing countries face the pandemic with support from international…...

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“What’s Next for the Anti-Corruption Agenda?” Celebrating PTF’s First 15 Years

On February 17, 2016, the Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF) celebrated 15 years of supporting civil society organizations (CSOs) in developing countries that work to promote citizen demand for transparency, accountability and good governance ......

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Final Report on “Lessons from the CARTA Program in Bangladesh and Nepal” Released

March 17, 2016 - Recent years have witnessed concerns about issues of government effectiveness and accountability, particularly in the delivery ......

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Using Citizen Engagement and Social Accountability Approaches in Mitigating Fraud, Errors and Corruption in Conditional Cash Transfer Programs

On February 9, the Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF), the Global Partnership for Social Accountability, and the Social Protection and Labor Global Practice at the World Bank held a discussion on "Using Citizen Engagement and Social Accountability Approaches in Mitigating Fraud, Errors and Corruption in Conditional Cash Transfer Programs," with…...

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John Nellis on “What’s Next for the Anti-Corruption Agenda?”

On February 17, 2016, I attended an event celebrating 15 years of operation of the Washington-based Partnership for Transparency Fund. The PTF, founded by former staff members of the World Bank, promotes “transparent, accountable and effective government through citizen-led action.” Since its inception, the PTF has supported some 250 projects…...

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Over the last 15 years, the Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF) has been at the forefront of innovation to improve governance, increase transparency, promote the rule of law and reduce corruption. In our goal to support developing country CSOs fighting for good governance, we have recognized the enormous ......

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Is adoption of governance as a SDG an empty gesture?

The adoption of governance focused SDG #16 and its targets is being claimed a great victory for proponents of good governance. All UN member states approved the goal to “build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all ......

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The Future of OGP: Competition or Coordination with SDG #16?

Just a few weeks ago, 193 countries of the UN General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Members of the OGP Steering Committee also endorsed the Joint Declaration on Open Government for the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which has since ......

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