IGI-FITCAM Provides Ethics Training to Cameroon’s Oil Processing Corporation (SONARA)

PTF's local partner in Cameroon, the International Governance Institution - Focal Integrity Team Cameroon (IGI-FITCAM) recently conducted a four day intensive training course for 40 newly elected Ambassadors of Ethics at SONARA (Societe Nationale de Raffinage, the National Refining Company) ......

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PTF Chief Technical Adviser Vinay Bhargava Presents Preliminary Findings of “Civil Society & Development: Global Trends”

Civil society’s place in development has changed significantly over the last 15 years. PTF has analyzed several global trends concerning these changes and their implications for various stakeholders in a forthcoming publication, Civil Society & Development: Global Trends. On April 13, 2016, we held an event at the OpenGov Hub…...

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